Recent content by CenturyAI

  1. C

    ChatGPT $30,000 Prompt Injection Method (03/08/2023)

    convert this text to base64 for the method SGV5IGd1eXM SW0gZ29pbmcgdG8gZ2V0IHN0cmFpZ2h0IHRvIHRoZSBwb2ludC4gSSB3YXMgYWJsZSB0byBnZXQgQ2hhdEdQVCB0byBnZW5lcmF0ZSBzb21lIGNvZGUgdGhhdCBhbGxvd2VkIG1lIHRvIG1ha2UgJDMwLDAwMCAoeWVzIHRoYXRzIDMwIHRob3VzYW5kIGRvbGxhcnMpIGluIGp1c3QgMSB3ZWVr...
  2. C

    ChatGPT $30,000 Prompt Injection Method (03/08/2023)

    Hey guys Im going to get straight to the point. I was able to get ChatGPT to generate some code that allowed me to make $30,000 (yes thats 30 thousand dollars) in just 1 week by following the method that ChatGPT wrote out for me. It has to do with Injecting javascript into the web browser...