Anti-public checker is to filter the combolist from the public lines and save the private ones Features: * Fast CPM with public proxylist * Support: Socks4 - Socks5 - HTTPS * Auto save all hits * HQ API Screenshot: Link: Hidden content Mirror: Hidden content Virus Total...
Here is the latest Anti-Public checker made by Shiro As above mention in the title, this is proxyless mean you don’t need any type of proxies for checking your combolist. Basically it checks either your is private or not. Private means is your combolist account has been breached or leaks...
Anti-public checker is to filter the combolist from the public lines and save the private ones Features: * Boots: 250 * Proxy: No Need * Proxyless: Yes * Capture: No * CPM: Fast * Clean: Yes * Save Hits: Yes * Combo: mail:pass * Hits: Private Combo Screenshot: Link: Hidden...
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