This stealer sends logs directly to your telegram id from a Bot that YOU Create with telegram. So no worrying about having to deal with unstable panels like, other big named stealers out there that, steal less information then WorldWind
✅️ Functions:
⭐️Advanced Functions:
Vanyl is An obfuscation tool for .Net + Native files.
Main Features .NET - Coded in C#, required framework 4.0 dependency.
Injection - Hide payload behind a legit process
Features Bit 32/64 bit Error Message Select...
Prynt Stealer Reborn Is A Advanced Malware The Silently Steals All Information From A Victims Computer
After the Virus is ran it hides itself in the victims computer and deletes the server so they cant find the file. Prynt Stealer Has A...
Grim_Noid stealer is a Native stealer that no need shit framework for excuation
° Native Stiller
• Excellent build weight (360 kb)
• No downloads from the Internet
• High collection rate
• Collection from all computer accounts
• Collecting data from the...
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