- Joined
- 19 Jul 2022
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- 191
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- 18
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- 18
So what are you going to need?
FakeGPS Free App
Uber Eats App
So lets download Bluestacks at https://www.bluestacks.com/
Install it and now once installed, download Uber Eats and FakeGPS Free from the Google Play Store
Get your customer's details such as name and address.
Now we're going to open the FakeGPS Free app you downloaded through Bluestacks and find the location of your customer's address.
Once you entered their address, press the play button in the bottom left corner of the app and it will ask to enable mock location in developer settings,
just click on the button to take you there and two apps should show up. You should know which one to choose (FakeGPS Free).
Okay now create an Uber Eats account or use your own.
Using a fresh account works fine.
Now place the order. Once the order has been delivered wait 20-30 minutes and request a refund saying the order hasn't arrived.
If the refund fails, go to help within the Uber Eats app again and say you just found the delivery but you've received someone else's order
and you can't even eat it because of your food restrictions.
I recommended not going over the $350 limit which I've never had a problem with.
Get an image of a brown paper bag with containers in it to upload if you need to report the order a second time.
FakeGPS Free App
Uber Eats App
So lets download Bluestacks at https://www.bluestacks.com/
Install it and now once installed, download Uber Eats and FakeGPS Free from the Google Play Store
Get your customer's details such as name and address.
Now we're going to open the FakeGPS Free app you downloaded through Bluestacks and find the location of your customer's address.
Once you entered their address, press the play button in the bottom left corner of the app and it will ask to enable mock location in developer settings,
just click on the button to take you there and two apps should show up. You should know which one to choose (FakeGPS Free).
Okay now create an Uber Eats account or use your own.
Using a fresh account works fine.
Now place the order. Once the order has been delivered wait 20-30 minutes and request a refund saying the order hasn't arrived.
If the refund fails, go to help within the Uber Eats app again and say you just found the delivery but you've received someone else's order
and you can't even eat it because of your food restrictions.
I recommended not going over the $350 limit which I've never had a problem with.
Get an image of a brown paper bag with containers in it to upload if you need to report the order a second time.