[CRACKED] VenomRAT_HVNC, Hidden Desktop/ AutoCloneProfile/ Hidden Browsers/ Password Recovery/ Support WebGL


27 Mar 2022
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Features of the Venom RAT + HVNC

Monitor on/off
Open/close CD
Show/Hide taskbar
Show/Hide Start Button
Show/Hide Explorer
Show/Hide Clock
Show/Hide Tray
Show/Hide Mouse
Enable/Disable TaskMgr
Enable/Disable Regedit
Disable UAC
much more...

Remote System

System Information
File Manager
Start Up Manager
Task Manager
Remote Shell
TCP Connection
Reverse Proxy
Registry Editor
UAC Exploit
Disable WD
Format All Drivers
much more...

Stub Features

Change client name
Enable install
Anti kill
Disable defender
Hide file
Hide folder
Start up/persistence
Change registry name
Encrypted connection
Change assembly clone
Export as ShellCode
Enable key logger Offline/Online
Much more...

Password Recovery

All Chrome based + Edge

Venom RAT + HVNC

HVNC Features, Included all the features of the Venom RAT

HVNC Clone Profile
Hidden Desktop
Hidden Browsers
Support WebGL
Hidden Chrome
Hidden Firefox
Hidden Edge
Hidden Brave
Hidden Explorer
Hidden Powershell
Hidden Startup
Reverse Connection
Remote Download+Execute

Zip Password: venom

Download Link:
You must register or login to view this content.
Virus Total: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file...8221f3fd782c5a8fadd5b75733201330a0b?nocache=1
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Reactions: baxter01