What is the working principle of IP proxy?


21 Jun 2024
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The working principle of IP proxy (or proxy server) is mainly to act as an intermediary between the client and the target server to realize the purpose of hiding the real IP address of the client, improving access speed and security. The following is the basic working principle of IP proxy.

1. Client sends a request

When a user (client) wants to access a certain website or resource, the client's request will be sent to the proxy server first, instead of directly to the target server.

2. Proxy server processes the request

After the proxy server receives the client's request, it processes the request. The processing may include the following.

a. Change IP address. The proxy server replaces the client's real IP address and sends the request to the target server using its own IP address.

b.Caching content. If the proxy server has cached the target content, it can return the cached content directly to the client without sending a request to the target server, thus improving access speed.

3. Proxy Server Forwarding Requests

The proxy server forwards the processed request to the target server. At this time, the target server thinks that the request comes from the IP address of the proxy server, not the real IP address of the client.

4. Target server response

When the target server receives the request, it processes the request and returns the response to the proxy server.

5. Proxy Server Returns Response

The proxy server receives the response from the target server and forwards the response to the client. The final content received by the client is the same as that obtained by directly accessing the target server, but the target server does not know the real IP address of the client.

The main types of proxy IPs are the following.

1. HTTP proxy

HTTP proxy specializes in handling HTTP protocol requests and is suitable for applications such as web browsing and data crawling. It can cache web pages to improve access speed and can be set up with access control and content filtering, for example, 711Proxy will provide this kind of proxy.

2. HTTPS proxy

HTTPS proxy is used to handle encrypted HTTPS requests. It secures data transmission through encrypted tunnels (SSL/TLS).

3. SOCKS5 proxy

SOCKS5 proxy is a low-level proxy that can handle multiple types of traffic (e.g. HTTP, FTP, SMTP, etc.). It works at the session layer and is suitable for scenarios that require high anonymity and flexibility.

By understanding how IP proxies work and their application scenarios, users and organizations can better select and use proxy services to meet different needs.