SOCKS Hot Knowledge Sharing: Ordinary Proxy


3 Apr 2024
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In the vast Internet, privacy and anonymity are becoming increasingly valuable. As individuals and organizations seek to protect their online image, ordinary proxies have become a popular solution. But what exactly are ordinary proxies? How do they work?

1. What is an ordinary proxy?
An ordinary proxy, also known as a transparent proxy or HTTP proxy, is an intermediary server that acts as a middleman between the user's device and the Internet. When a user requests a website or online resource, the request is first sent to the ordinary proxy server, which then forwards it to the actual destination. After receiving a response from the destination, the ordinary proxy forwards it back to the user's device.

2. How an ordinary proxy works
The operation of an ordinary proxy is relatively simple. When a user configures their device to use an ordinary proxy, all Internet traffic is routed through the proxy server. This means that the proxy server becomes the visible source point for all requests, effectively masking the user's actual IP address.