HTTP/S Background Research on the Best Residential Proxies (Series 1)


15 Aug 2024
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代理住宅服务如今是一项蓬勃发展的业务。在我们的研究期间,我们目睹了新的住宅代理服务的出现和现有业务的快速增长。例如,我们发现的第一个住宅代理服务的价格在 6 个月内从每 GB 3 美元涨到了 25 美元。与私人网络、匿名网络和SOCKS5 代理等传统代理类似,住宅代理服务被宣传为一种匿名渠道,其特点是对服务器端检测和阻止具有很高的抵抗力。具体来说,注册的代理住宅往往更受服务器的信任。此外,这些 IP 通常是动态的,住宅代理服务通常以反向连接代理模式运行,使客户端能够灵活响应并在检测到时快速切换到其他 IP。


下图 1 展示了之前研究的住宅 IP 代理服务模型,该模型涉及三个交互部分:主要服务组件(包括代理网关和住宅主机)、客户端和目标服务器。客户端注册住宅 IP 代理服务后,会收到网关的 IP 地址或 URL 以访问服务。在通信过程中,网关将客户端的请求转发到不同的住宅主机,住宅主机进一步将请求发送给目标并获得响应。图 1 描绘了从客户端和目标的角度可以观察到的外部情况。



There are residential proxies service providers in the market such as ProxyLite. they offer various service plans with different degrees of flexibility. For example a client can choose from three different proxy selection modes: dynamic Residential Proxies, unlimited traffic package proxies, and static residential proxies, depending on the way the gateway tries to send multiple requests using the same residential location. Dynamic Residential (traffic billing): suitable for services that require flexibility and small amount of data, such as crawlers, account registration, and advertisements; Unlimited Traffic Package (bandwidth billing): suitable for services that require large amount of transmitted data, such as youtube video uploads; and Static Residential (hourly billing): suitable for services that require long-term, stable IP, such as opening a store.

In addition, the client can decide whether to resolve the target's domain name by residential IP or gateway. This is important because the target's DNS servers may observe the resolver and in some cases need to mask the location of the resolver.

IP database of residential proxies

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) assigns IP addresses to five Regional Internet Registries (RIRs), including ARIN, APNIC, AFRINIC, LACNIC, and RIPE.Each RIR operates a Whois directory service to manage IP address registrations within its region (e.g., RIPE is responsible for the European region).The Whois directory is organized in an object-oriented organization and contains four types of objects, each assigned a unique ID: inetnum, person, organization, and ASN. the inetnum object describes a range of IP addresses and all of its attributes; the organization and person objects are used to denote the ownership of a block of IPs and contain a set of attributes such as an e-mail address; and the ASN identifies the autonomous system to which the IP address belongs. All inetnums are created hierarchically to form an inetnum tree. Given an IP, we define its direct inetnum as the object whose IP range covers the IP, its direct owner as the organization and person objects associated with its direct inetnum, and its loose owner as all organizations and persons sharing the same contact information.

Benefits of Residential Proxies Service

Improved Privacy and Security

Residential IP proxies provide increased privacy and security. The fact that these IPs are those of regular home users makes it more difficult for requests using these proxies to be detected and blocked by the target service. This is especially helpful for users who need to perform activities such as multiple account management, ad verification, and market research across different platforms.



住宅 IP 代理服务是一款功能强大的工具,它不仅提供增强的隐私性和安全性,还提供多帐户管理和数据抓取等实用功能。通过明智地使用住宅 IP 代理,组织和个人可以提高其网络运营的隐私性和效率。我们的研究方法和技术进一步验证了住宅 IP 代理服务的优势,并为未来的网络安全研究提供了新的视角。