Config Details
Name: GitF (free), GitF2 (pro)
Description: Git repository Finder | .git may expose sensitive information that may help an malicious user to prepare more advanced attacks.
Software: SilverBullet[SB] | OpenBullet[OB]
Version: Beta
Support: Yes
Vulnerability Reward: $1000
proof: https://hackerone.com/reports/248693
GitF2 Config: https://greyhathackers.sellpass.io/product/7lrCF7SQmS4M !~_^!
$3 Coupon: x4vit1yxgwp
Try Free Config: https://t.me/GreyH4tHackers/729
GitF2 preview: https://t.me/GreyH4tHackers/728
How is GitF2 different?
Name: GitF (free), GitF2 (pro)
Description: Git repository Finder | .git may expose sensitive information that may help an malicious user to prepare more advanced attacks.
Software: SilverBullet[SB] | OpenBullet[OB]
Version: Beta
Support: Yes
Vulnerability Reward: $1000
proof: https://hackerone.com/reports/248693
GitF2 Config: https://greyhathackers.sellpass.io/product/7lrCF7SQmS4M !~_^!
$3 Coupon: x4vit1yxgwp
Try Free Config: https://t.me/GreyH4tHackers/729
GitF2 preview: https://t.me/GreyH4tHackers/728
How is GitF2 different?
- save wordpress targets with theme name to GitF2.txt for check other vulnerabilities
- check Git Repository if exist in theme folder
- LightSpeed