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    CyberBullet v1.0.1 | OpenBullet Modded Variant

    CyberBullet v1.0.1 is another modded version of the original OpenBullet. This moded version has many more features and functions lacking from the original OB. This is a webtesting suite that allows to perform requests towards a target webapp and offers a lot of tools to work with the results...
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    CBP-Creator | Create API Config Pack in CyberBullet

    How Work: * Select your config list folder * Click on Create CBP Pack * Done! Screenshot: Link: Mirror: Virus Total...
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    Config Tools | For OpenBullet And CyberBullet Configs

    List: * Have Convert Custom Config * Have Convert All Config in Folder * Hit Sender Finder * Have Hit Sender Adder * Have AutoSave Adder Basic * Have AutoSave Adder Advance Screenshot: Link: *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the...