Rules | Terms of Crackingx (Must Read)

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2 Oct 2020
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1. General rules

1.1. Every message should have a meaning, the post should not contain only an emoji. Messages, containing only "thank you", "personal received" and similar are considered for flud.
1.2. Before creating themes with a purpose to find, to download or to ask something, it is recommended to use the search box, because such a topic can already be raised by someone else, and Yours will only clog the forum.
1.3. Secure your account!: put two-factor authentication on your account and mail.
1.4. Be polite. There is no punishment for violating of this rule. Add a user to the blacklist if you do not like to communicate with them. It is forbidden to mention the parents, relatives, family members (including the stepfather and stepmother) of the user in a message that is negative or in a veiled form of insulting them. The forum team has the right to block the user in cases of repeated inappropriate/disrespectful/abusive behavior to the forum team/users. Complaints against lock data will be reviewed by the forum Administration.
1.5. When exchanging information from the site, be sure to specify the source.
1.6. The only language allowed to communicate is ENGLISH.
1.7. It is forbidden to urge people to do anything, to call for interethnic hatred, to curse and insult representatives of any nationality.

2. The rules of the forum

2.1. Spamming your store/website/channel/group links on the forum or by user contact information is prohibited - ban / blacklisting your store or website and blocking your account.
2.2. Topics of the following types are prohibited:
- Useless themes, messages with screamers, clickbaits, shock content.
- Pyramids, HYIPs, airdrops, NFT, ICO, Bounty, raising, multiplying other people's money.
- Forecasts, bets on sports/gaming events.
- Packs of software/programs.
- Giveaways of money, Snebes promo, steam/rambler autoregs, distribution of requests (accounts with certain letters).
- Giveaways of paintings, + rep in profiles.
- About carding, conducting DDoS attacks (software, scripts, articles, stressers, panels and access to them), drugs, extremism, terrorism, suicide, bribery, shoplifting, about making
- Propaganda and urging users to violate any laws of EU countries, USA or Russian Federation.
2.3. Distribution of malicious files is prohibited.
2.4. Creating a secondary account is prohibited.
2.5. When laying out any Executive file, as well as DLL libraries, you must attach a link to
2.6. Disclosure of personal information about a person is prohibited.
2.7. Harming/Hacking/DDoSing other Sites/Forums on behalf of "CrackingX" - is Prohibited. Engage in this activities on their own not mentioning this forum.
2.8. Topics should be placed in the RIGHT sections.
2.9. Overuse of "CAPS LOCK" is prohibited.
2.10. Uploading files is only allowed on the following file sharing platforms: | | Google Drive |
2.11. It is forbidden to raise old inactive topics.
2.12. It is forbidden to place referral links without specifying a non-referral link.
2.13. Advertising is not allowed unless you paid for it.
2.14. Raising the topic with the words "Up", "relevant" is prohibited.
2.15. Begging is prohibited (borrow 5$, give a warface account, etc.), similarly it is forbidden to ask for a product/service for a review in the thread (in private messages it is allowed to ask for a product/service for a review in the thread).
2.16. The topic'c titel should explain the theme of the post, prohibited titles of the form "Help!!", "All here", "help", " what to do??", "help" and the like.
2.17. Avatars users should not contain pornographic materials, calligraphy, similar color, texts or form of on banner paid groups, banners team forum (Administrator, Moderator and so on).
2.18. Any destructive activity that provokes conflict situations between users or that harms the reputation of the forum is prohibited.

3. Trading/selling

3.1. The price of goods/services must necessarily be specified in the topic.
3.2. The topic should contain a description of the product or service. If you sell an item, there should be a link to the profile and (or) a few screenshots of the profile/inventory. Specify the origin of things (Brut/personal).
3.3. Forbidden themes for the sale of deanonymization services (documents, mobile, etc.).
3.4. A forum team member has the right to inspect your product. Failure to verify will be regarded as fraud. At the time of verification, the inspector closes the topic, after-opens and writes a review of the product/service..
3.5. Prohibited topics related to the documents of citizens of any country (sale of scans, certificates, drawing ID, fake documents, CVV, CVC and bank accounts).
3.6. Topics with selling accounts from third-party forums are prohibited.
3.7. A review of a product or service must contain evidence of your words: screenshots of correspondence with a username, receipts of transfers, photographs of completed work. Unsubstantiated reviews will be deleted immediately.
3.8. Fraud on the forum is prohibited. Fraud on other sites (including messengers) from accounts that identify you as a user of this forum (identical contacts) is prohibited. A block will be imposed until the funds are returned to the plaintiff.

4. The content of the website

There is no prohibited information in the public access.
On the forum there are closed sections and the system of "hide content" is a personal correspondence between the participants of the forum, access to which is closed to strangers.
Disclosure of sensitive information of users (i.e., any information under the hide content or closed sections) is prohibited, this information is confidential and cannot be used against the administration of the forum.
Complaints about content that violates the law are accepted only on the content of the site in the public domain.
Private information is private and not moderated.
The user is not willing to look information under Hyde should inform and access will be disabled in all other cases, any screenshots or data from closed sections will be regarded as obtained by hacking the accounts of users of the website, or obtained by fraud, in violation of the site rules and legislation.
Providing screenshots of private correspondence, private information is a violation of the privacy of private correspondence, such information can not be transferred to people who do not have access to it. Access to private information can be obtained only by users of the site, and users of the site are familiar with and agree to these rules of the site, as they ticked when registering.
All content of the site is left by the users of the site and does not pass any verification. The closed content of the site is the private correspondence of users and is closed for viewing by unauthorized people.

5. Generalities

User registration on the Forum is free, voluntary and means unconditional acceptance of these Rules, available "Here".
The user is responsible for the accuracy, relevance, completeness and compliance with the current legislation of the information provided during registration and its purity from claims of third parties.
The administration is not responsible for the content of sites hosted in the cap forum. The administration has the right to store, process and provide to third parties any data received from the user, including "Personal data", including receiving this information from "Third parties", at its discretion, without additional approvals. In this case, the User has no right to demand any compensation from the Administration.
The user agrees to receive information, including advertising, by e-mail, phone and other details specified in The user's personal profile from the Administration and third parties.the User accepts the services of the Forum on the principle of "As is", Without any guarantees from the Administration.
The administration is not responsible for the performance of the Site, direct or indirect losses resulting from its use or non-use, as well as technical failures. The administration has the right to unilaterally block any User's access to the Forum, block and/or delete the User's account, edit The user's account data, remove from the Site any material posted by the User unilaterally without explanation.
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