Update 16.12 EN 1. Added OKX browser extension OKX collection
2. Updated Coinbase collection, now Local Storage is collected together with the extension
3. Multiple panel optimisations, fixed terminal bugs that could lead to single data losses
4. Completely removed CRT
5. Inline Syscalls of all APIs that can be at the level of system calls, with support for x64/x86/wow64
6. Redesigned the file grabber to callbacks to reduce the number of duplicates of identical functions
7. Redesigned communication with the server
8. Added compression of screens, screens now weigh not so much
9. Changed method of obtaining display resolution, now real, physical resolution is collected, not virtual resolution with user DPI as before, fixed NetBIOS and DNS hostname, added CPU vendor
10. Added in-memory Steam token collection, since the ssfn file solution no longer works
11. Build rewritten in C++, previously used C, literally every structure in the build is affected.
12. Fixed API method restoreCookie, which could cause phantom errors.
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